Cacti are a large family, with
several genera that make good houseplants. Here are some good ones to start
with Mammillaria cacti are sometimes called “pincushion” or “nipple” cacti.
Most look like small round globes covered with nipples and bear clusters of
small, pretty flowers in a crown around the top. Some good ones to try are old
lady cactus “Mammillaria hahniana” which is well covered with long white hairs,
produces red flowers and generally grows well under 10 inches; the tiny golden
star cactus “M. elongata” which is composed of a cluster of long projections
with yellow spines and white flowers; M. zeilmanniana, which forms a little
round ball and produces pinkish red flowers even at a young age.
Moreover, Easter lily cactus
(Echinopsis multiplex) is a little round cactus with vertical ribs and large,
pink flowers borne on tall stems; these open in the evening and have a lovely
fragrance. Hybrids, which are crossed with species of Lobivia cactus, come in
other colors such as red and orange, and may be day blooming. Among the many
other good flowering cacti to try are species of Opuntia “prickly pear”
Aporocactus “rattail”, Echinocereus “hedgehog”, Ferocactus “barrel” and Rebutia

Most cacti prefer full sun, so
give them as much of it as you can. Some will do all right in bright light or
under fluorescent lights. They like warm temperatures during the day but can
tolerate 40 to 45 degrees at night but don’t let them freeze though and may
even bloom better if you turn down your thermostat at night. They like dry air
but will take average humidity. In spring and summer when growth is active they
should be watered thoroughly. However, during the winter they go dormant for a
time, a period they need in order to bloom. They perhaps won’t need water at
all during this time unless they wrinkle. If your water is softened water them
with bottled water, since they cannot tolerate salt.

Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti
need more water and fertilizer than other cacti, and they need a more organic
soil. Feed them twice a month in spring and summer, and let the soil dry out a
bit between watering. But starting eight weeks before the time you want them to
bloom, give them a rest. Keep them in a cool place that gets no light at night
50 to 60 degree, give them no fertilizer and just enough water to keep them
from wrinkling, and don’t repot them during this time do it in spring.
Gradually introduce them to warmer temperatures. Water while blooming, and then
keep the cacti on the dry side until spring. They are propagated easily by stem