“Trumpet” narcissi produce one
flower per stem in which the cup is at least as long as the petals. The big
yellow “King Alfred” narcissus is a classic example. Large cupped narcissi have
a cup that is a big around as but shorter than that of a trumpet. I especially
like the ones with the pink cups, of which Mrs. R.O. Backhouse was the first,
and “Pink Beauty” is a fine modern example. Small cupped narcissi are rather flat
flowers with a short cup. With any of these, the cup may be one color, the
petals another.
“Double” narcissi are any that
have more than one row of petals. They tend to be very fragrant, with almost a
jasmine scent, and there’re often several white with some yellow deep in the
center, is a popular double.

In addition there’re a number of
delightful species and their hybrids that produce miniature flower on short
stems, perfect for the rock garden or any other small-scale planting. Among
these are N. bullbocodium (hoop-petticoat daffodil), which has a big cup and
rather wispy petals; N. triandrus, which has little drooping flowers with
pulled-back petals. “April Tears” is a lovely fragrant yellow variety and N.
cyclamineus, whose petals look as if they were being blown back by the wind.
How to Grow
Give narcissi full sun or light
shade. They prefer a well-drained sandy loam. Well, Plant large varieties at
least 6 inches apart and at least 6 inches deep. Small varieties can be a
little closer and less deep. Work some
high-phosphorus fertilizer into the soil. Do not cut the foliage down until it
turns brown. Established plantings will increase by themselves but benefit from
being dug up every four or five years and divided. To do this wait till the
foliage has died, then dig them up with a digging fork and pull apart the bulbs
that will separate easily. Either replant them right away or store them in a
cool place until later in the summer.
Source: Charismatic Planet
Source: Charismatic Planet