Hardy biennials often grown as
hardy annuals, forget-me-nots are typically bright blue but sometimes pink or
white. Usually no more than a foot tall, they’re often grown between spring
bulbs or are naturalized in wood land and water gardens. They also make good
edging plants. There’re many ways to grow forget-me-nots. But easily grown from
seed, they may be sown in fall when spring bulbs are planted, to germinate in
spring for spring and early summer bloom. They may be sown in later summer in a
cold frame to produce seedlings that will winter over in a protected setting.
Or they may be sown indoors in March and transplanted outside later in the
spring. Plants do not need thinning, and often self-sow under their favorite
conditions moist, hummus soil in light shade. These cool weather plants will
not bloom during the heat of August, but a self-sown crop may appear in fall in
warm climates. Source: Charismatic Planet