Its 3 inches shiny, pointed
leaves tolerate low humidity well one reason why “ficus” is such a popular
plant. Another oft-grown ficus is that old standby the rubber plant (F. elastica).
It looks almost like an artificial plant,
with its large, dark green oval, shiny leaves, and it can grow to the ceiling
if you don’t pinch its tip. Though now out of fashion because of overuse, F.
elastica is still a good plant to grow if you need something big and green in a
spot with little light. it will grow in bright light too. The variety “Decora”
has very broad leaves, and there are variegated varieties as well, though these
need more light in order to show their colors.
“Ficus” plants like fairly warm
rooms but will tolerate low humidity because their leaves are rather
leathery. F. benjamina needs more light
that F. elastica filtered sun or bright, indirect light is best. Soil for both
can dry out a bit between watering, but don’t overwater. F. elastica will get leggy,
and F. benjamina will drop its leaves. Sudden changes in the environment, such
as being moved or exposed to drafts, can also cause leaf drop in the latter, and
making it seem like a delicate fussy plant. But it will normally recover
promptly with new growth. Feed both regularly except in fall or winter and wash
the leaves with warm water. They like to be rather pot bound and their size can
be controlled by root pruning them and putting them back into the same pot.
Stems can also be cut back to the desired height and will produce new, compact