Tuesday, 6 June 2017

The Butterfly Orchid

This is not a butterfly taking a rest on a piece of shrubbery. This is a “Psychopsis papilio” much known as the butterfly orchid, has petals of an incredible length, look like antennae and its speckled brown and yellow sepals look like outspread wings. It was formerly included in the massively paraphyletic "wastebin genus" Oncidium. The genus as a whole is commonly called butterfly orchids, but some species of other orchid genera are also called thus.  Currently the World Checklist of Monocotyledons recognizes four species: Psychopsis: papilio, krameriana, sanderae versteegii. Psychopsis with 38 chromosomes and two pollinia grow epiphytically in wet rainforest and also dry upland forest. It will flower for up to ten years and with each flower the stem gets that little bit longer.  However, they can bend with the wind, resisting gusts of over 40 miles per hour.  The pseudobulbs are tightly clustered, oval, oblong and almost round, and very compressed, wrinkled, often dull red. The flower leaves are solitary and erect and inflorescences are typically solitary per bulb, jointed and arched, arising from the base out of a sheath, producing a succession of flowers which last approx.  The butterfly orchid can also withstand extreme watering as well as accidental drying out with some ease. The four variant species of Psychopsis originate from the West Indies, Peru and Costa Rica.  In the wild the orchid clings to the branches and trunks of trees.  When it flowers in its natural habitat it must look like a host of butterflies have chosen to rest in the same place at the same time. It took 10 days, variable in color and size from inflorescence to inflorescence and from blooming to blooming. Never cut the inflorescence until it is clearly spent as old inflorescences will continue to produce flowers for many years.

The butterfly orchid is rumored to have started the European "Orchidmania" of the 19th century. The narrow, upright attenuated dorsal sepal and petals are dull to vibrant red-brown often with a narrow yellow picotee or with a few yellow transverse stripes. The broad, often down swept lateral sepals are canary yellow heavily marked with uneven transverse red-brown bars. The large lip is three-lobed with a large canary yellow center, bordered by a red-brown band. In addition to the normally pigmented forms, pure yellow forms devoid of the red pigment also exist. Flowering occurs at intervals throughout the entire year and well grown plants will have many inflorescences with more than one flower per inflorescence. In their native habitat Psychopsis have a preference the trunks and branches of trees where they dry out quickly though they do not like to dry out completely and do not need a rest period. The Psychopsis are intolerant of stale conditions at their roots and benefit from annual repotting, especially in bark mixes. The roots of these plants are fine and subject to salt burn if the potting medium is not frequently flushed with pure water. Because of their fat pseudobulbs, cultural problems can go undetected until noteworthy damage has been done.

Friday, 19 May 2017

The Beautiful Alluring “Pink Lady Slipper” Flower

The pink lady slipper flower is also known as the “moccasin flower” is very own much admired and often misunderstood wild native orchid in North America. Cypripedium acaule is a member of the orchid genus Cypripedium, commonly referred to as lady's slipper orchids. The Lady’s slipper is first described in 1789 by Scottish botanist William Aiton.  The flower is named for their resemblance to a delicate pair of feminine slippers in hues of pink, white, or variegated colors. Lady’s slipper orchids have a commanding presence their inflated blooms are charismatic to the point of heady swooning and inspiring colorful prose. The lady slipper flower is a hardy perennial & stubborn plant, can take many years to grow and develop from seed to mature plants.

The seed germination tends to be less commonly available than other Cyp species and hybrids. This is primarily due to the extra care that must be provided if the growing site is not naturally suitable for in-ground cultivation. In pink lady’s slipper, it is the flower, and not the root, that is reminiscent of male naughty bits. The pink lady’s slipper labellum is inflated and heavily veined, and other two petals are pink and narrow, twisting, and extending out to the side of the flower, like a dancer’s arms in mid-twirl. The flowers rely on a process called symbiosis to survive, which is typical of most orchid species. Symbiosis is when an organism, in this case a fungus found in the soil, is needed for a plant to grow and thrive. The fungus breaks open the lady slipper seed and attaches to it, passing on the food and nutrients needed for it to flourish. Once the lady slipper plant is mature and producing its own nutrients, the fungus will extract nutrients from the orchid roots.

The lady’s slipper requires highly acidic soil but tolerates a range of shade and moisture, though it prefers at least partial shade and well-drained slopes. It is habitually found in pine forests, where it can be seen in large colonies, but it also grows in deciduous woods. Once the lady slipper plants established, it will propagate at their own and live for lots of years if left undisturbed. Because a picked lady slipper will not rejuvenate itself, and the plant has a less than 5% transplant success rate, they are often considered “off limits” to pickers and diggers. The alluring pink petals, along with the flower’s wafting fragrance, entice large bumblebees, who ineptly pry their way into the inner chambers of the labellum, but bees quickly realize they have been duped, as there is no nectar to be found. The bees are incapable to retreat via the labellum due to the petal’s crafty design, so they look elsewhere for an escape from the pink luminescent chamber.

Lady’s Slipper color is so soothing and peaceful, look like so many little pink balloons, long deflated, on short stalks. Its scientific name is Cypripedium acaule; the species name means stemless, but flower actually has a stem, though not technically a stem. It’s a flower stalk, which botanists call a scape. Pink lady’s slipper grows in dry or wet acidic woods, under conifers such as pine and hemlock, or in mixed hardwoods. In the southern Appalachians, it is growing under sourwood, white pine and tupelo trees. Its range extends from Newfoundland, west to Alberta, down into northern Alabama and eastern Georgia.

Friday, 3 February 2017

A Long Lasting Blue Flower Salvia (Sage)

Of a number of salvias is grown in the garden, the Salvia farinacea (blue salvia, or mealy-cup stage). A tender perennial grown as a half hardy annual in most climates, it has blue flower spikes 2 to 3 feet long that are as very attractive and long lasting in the garden as they are in bouquets. Others include Salvia splendens, or scarlet sage, which is a perennial grown as a tender annual and has brilliant red flowers and handsome dark green foliage. Moreover varieties come in a number of heights from about 9 inches to 2 feet. Choose the one that best suits your gardens. This is such a controversial plant that has even been heard of an Anti-Red Salvia League. It is often grown in masses and as such can be too much of a good thing. I am not such a salvia snob as to pas it over altogether, but do like it best in small groups with other plants that tone it down a little.

If you want to grow Salvia then it is normally best to buy started plants, salvias can be started indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last average frost. Seed must be kept warm to germinate. Transplant after danger of frost is past. However plant in full sun light shade in hot climates, spacing about a foot apart. Salvias can also be sown directly in the ground after the weather has warmed up, but unfortunately they take a long time to flower when grown this way. They like warm but not excessively dry weather and need to be watered in drought unless they’re well mulched. 

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Portulaca or Portulaca Gandiflora

Portulacas are often thought of as rock garden plants because they do so well in that setting. They are tender annuals with succulent, needle shaped leaves and trailing stems 6 to 8 inches long. The flowers are bright and papery textured in shades of pink, red, yellow, salmon, orange purple, and white. They are normally sold in mixture, not as single colors. They open in sun but close at night and on cloudy days. Since they are gloriously drought tolerant, and you need to put them in pots, window boxes, or any container that I might forget to water from time to time.

If you want to grow Portulaca then transplanting being difficult it is best to start seed directly in the garden when the soil is warm. A warm sunny exposure is essential as this is a site with well drained soil. Thinning is not necessary. They will tolerate poor soil as well as hot, dry conditions. On top of all that, they will self sow!.  

Sunday, 25 December 2016

Pansy or Viola Tricolor Hortensis

The garden pansy is a type of large-flowered hybrid plant cultivated as a garden flower. It is derived by hybridization from more than a few species in the section Melanium of the genus Viola, chiefly Viola tricolor, a wildflower of Europe and western Asia known as heartsease. For simplicity, the older name Viola tricolor var. hortensis is often used. Pansies are perennials but are short lived in many areas and so are often grown as hardy annuals or biennials. Hybrids come in just about in every color imaginable, many bicolored or tricolored, with the familiar faces that most people remember from their childhoods. Most plants are about 8 inches tall. They are used in window boxes and planters as well as in gardens. Like most gardeners, I find the spring pansy show a welcome sight, but boy, can they sulk in hot weather! Fortunately most of them revive when it gets cool at the summer’s end, and there are all those little faces again. In mild climates they will bloom all winter.

Now if you want to grow Pansy then it can be sown indoors 10 to 12 weeks before the last average frost, but be sure to sow them shallowly, keeping the seed tray dark, moist and cool. Transplant them into the garden in the spring in fertile, humusy, moist soil you should move them early enough so that they can established good root systems before the weather gets too warm. Moreover a more reliable method is to sow seeds in summer of fall for bloom the following spring. In cold climates this is best done in a cold frame, though some gardeners have good results by mulching the seedlings heavily. Left to their own devices, a few pansies will often overwinter or self sow, even in cold areas. Moreover frequent picking or deadheading will give you more compact plants and profuse bloom.

Friday, 25 November 2016

The Sweetly Scented Lily of the Valley (Convallaria Majalis)

Lily of the valley, every so often written lily-of-the-valley, actually its scientific name is “Convallaria majalis” is a pleasantly scented, highly toxic woodland flowering plant that is native throughout the cold temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia, and Europe. It is perhaps the only species in the genus Convallaria. It was previously placed in its own family Convallariaceae, and, like a lot of lilioid monocots, before that in the lily family Liliaceae.
Well, most people recognize the little white, bell like flowers of this plant. Even the fragrance is unmistakable. The flowers are indeed beautiful and naturalized in the right setting, lily of the valley is a useful ground cover, but it can be a disappointment if it is in the wrong place. The leaves two emerge to embrace each flower stalk are not evergreen but start to turn brown in late summer and cannot be walked on at all.

The roots are quite invasive interfering with the growth of everything else it all its own. The plants produce orange berries after the flowers, but the berries are not profuse. The variety Rosea is pink. Plants are hardy and if you want to grow Lily of valley then it does better in part or full shade than it does in sun and will tolerate even dense shade. It likes a fertile, moist soil. Plants can be divided easily for propagation. If your bed is flowering poorly, divide and replant or donate the excess to your favorite charity. Lily of the valley is a good plant for a Mother’s Day fundraiser. 

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Amazing World of Flowers

Pollinators are attracting by myriad kind of plants and flowers for thousands of years. Their amazing adaptations have resulted in a countless of dissimilar and rare sizes, shapes, colors, patterns, and smells. Some even accidentally look like non-floral subjects, including a diverse range of animals, objects, and human figures. Thus, in the similar way, nature has found shapes in clouds or faces in architecture, and series of flora photographs proves that the natural world is a gallery of never ending attraction.
Moreover, nature lovers can find everything from happy aliens to monkey faces to plump red lips and white doves. In fact the botanical gifts that surround and mimic the world around us. So, in deed this world is extremely beautiful with full of botanical gifts. Human beings should take care of their nature in order to save the attractions for their future generation.  

Monday, 8 August 2016

The Exotic Honeysuckle

One of best memories is to sit with your beloved ones under a huge honeysuckle vine in Pennsylvania, sucking the nectar out of the ends of the gold and white blossom. Honeysuckles are arching shrubs or twining bines in the family Caprifoliaceae, native to the Northern Hemisphere. More than 180 species of honeysuckle have been identified so far. Therefore 100 species can be found in China, 20 native species identified in Europe, 20 in India, and 20 in North America. It wasn’t till long afterwards that realized that not all honeysuckles were vines, that just as many of them were shrubs and that among the vining ones not all of them grew as lushly as that childhood twinning ones; they bloom attractively and is quite varied in both their flowers and their berries. 

Hall’s honeysuckle or “Lonicera” japonica “Halliana” is the one of familiar to most people. It has white flowers that turn to gold in late spring and thereafter, followed by black berries. The foliage turns a nice bronze color in fall. A Japanese plant now naturalized in this country and hardy as well. It requires a strong support unless grown as a ground cover and can be very rampant if not controlled by pruning. If you want a more manageable vine, choose Henry honeysuckle “L.Henryi”, which is hardy and has red flowers a bit later than those of Hall’s or try gold flame honeysuckle “L. x heckrottii”, hardy to and long blooming red flowers. Even try trumpet honeysuckle because of it restrained growth and late bloom it helps to keep the hummingbirds around in July and August. Numerous species of honeysuckle have become invasive when introduced outside their native range, particularly in New Zealand and the United State.

Honeysuckle gets its name because edible sweet nectar can be sucked from the flowers. If you want to grow Honeysuckle vines will grow in most soils, and in sun or shade, but they bloom best in full sun and in soil that is fairly moist. Don’t feed the vigorous ones, and restrain them by pruning unless you are using them to control erosion and want rampant growth. Banish aphids as needed with a soap spray and propagate by seed, softwood cutting or by layering. Moreover honeysuckles are valued as garden plants, for their ability to cover unsightly walls and outbuildings, their profuse tubular flowers in summer, and the penetrating fragrance of several varieties.

Monday, 4 July 2016

How to Grow Colchicum Autumnale

Colchicum autumnale, generally recognized as autumn crocus, meadow saffron or naked lady, is a flower that resembles the true crocuses, but blooms in autumn. This is a very weird plant, and if you don’t know what to expect it can really fool you. The plant foliage comes up in spring, just like that of a spring bulb, but it doesn’t bloom, and by summer the leaves disappear. However, if fall, long after you’ve perhaps said; oh, well so much for Colchicum autumnale, some stems come out of the ground with no leaves on them, just big pink, lavender or white flowers that look sort of like large crocuses.

The species is usually cultivated as an ornamental in temperate areas, in spite of its toxicity. There nice as it is to have a fall blooming bulb, or fall blooming anything, you do have the problem of how to landscape those flowerless spring leaves and those leafless fall flowers. They are supposed to look great planted in front of shrubs, but this makes them look all the more gawky. Moreover, plant them in a natural setting, in sun or light shade, where there is a permanent, evergreen ground cover such as periwinkle, which will deemphasize both the leaves and their absence. They will also naturalize well in grass. Colchicum normally grows from corms and is hardy as well. Colchicum autumnale is the only species of its genus native to the Great Britain and Ireland, occurs across mainland Europe from Portugal to Ukraine, and naturalized in Denmark, Sweden, European Russia, the Baltic States and New Zealand.

So, Hybrids of C. autumnale grow about 8 inches tall. However, some colchicums sold are hybrids of C. speciosum. These are apt to be a hit taller. C. speciosum Album is white, despite the fact that these all look something like crocuses and are even called autumn crocuses in some catalogs. They are not the same as spring blooming crocuses which are another species altogether and have their leaves and flowers well synchronized. Moreover, Colchicum plants are deadly poisonous due to their colchicine content. Therefore, the symptoms of colchicine poisoning resemble those of arsenic, and no antidote is recognized.

Well, to grow Colchicum corms are sold in summer. So they should be planted in late summer or early fall in sun or part shade, about 8 inches apart. They are not fussy about soil, but add organic matter if yours is sandy or dry because they need a reasonable amount of moisture. Plant the large bulbs with the tops at least three inches below the soil surface. Though, bulbs normally multiply by themselves without human intervention.  Source: CP